We had some media attention for our book and were featured in several yoga magazines. Here are some of the mentions we were particularly happy about.
November / December 2016

September / October 2016

September 2016

You should also make sure that you set up your yoga room nicely. You can place different things in it, but it should not be crowded. A few nice pillows, a blanket and some candles work wonders. You can also work with fragrance.
Above all, light is also important to create a nice atmosphere. So take a good look at the room and try out what you can put in it. There are also so-called „Salzlampen“, which not only produce pleasant light, but also have a healing effect. Once you have your yoga room set up nicely, you’ll find that your exercises are much easier and more relaxing. Because when the environment is right, the body can also relax.